Welcome to Evergreen Association of Fine Arts

The Evergreen Association of Fine Arts non-profit began in 1975 to promote arts appreciation, arts learning and art display throughout the Puget Sound region. We welcome visual artists in all media and levels of expertise.

EAFA Welcomes March Guest Artist Paul Rosiak

Tuesday, Mar 11
12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m
Crossroads Community Center

Paul Rosiak is an artist, teacher, and Co-Director of the Classical Atelier at Gage Academy of Art in Seattle. Both his plein air and studio practice are focused on working from life, celebrating light and the subtle beauty that emerges from slowing down and paying attention to nature in the moment.

He will doing a portrait demo in oil, using a live model (Diana). 


Mt Hood from Columbia River Gorge


More information and directions on our website Meetings page.

Newsletter: Evergreen Association of Fine Arts newsletters are filled with information about EAFA exhibits, meetings and speakers, awards to members, pictures of paintings from previous demos, and other items you will want to know about.

Exhibitions: EAFA strives to provide members both live and online shows in order to display their artwork. The Winter Solstice 2024 Show is now online for your enjoyment, along with links to all of our past online shows.

Public Art: Since 1986 we have exhibited members artwork through the Healing Arts Program at Overlake Hospital. We currently exhibit in four different areas and the exhibits rotate on a quarterly basis. EAFA has coordinated with two local libraries to exhibit art, Bellevue Public Library and Newcastle. These venues change art on a quarterly basis. There is also a chance to showcase your art on-line in our quarterly members exhibit on the EAFA website. We collaborate with other arts groups to organize an annual juried exhibit in a location in the Puget Sound area.

Plein Air: A spring through fall Plein Air painting program at locations around Puget Sound gives EAFA artists a chance to practice in the open air with other artists. All levels of art expertise are welcome.

Meetings: Evergreen Association of Fine Arts Members enjoy monthly meetings with professional artist presentations, an opportunity to participate in an art critique session and to showcase your latest art work as well as meet other artists.

Scholarships: Evergreen Association of Fine Arts is a 501c3 organization and we hold an annual Artists Rummage Sale to raise donations for a scholarship to an educational charity.

Classes: EAFA is introducing classes for members in 2025. Classes will be for 3 hours and once a
quarter. They will be held on Saturday from 1:30-4:30 pm. The classes will be interactive with
demonstrations and students will be able to practice during class.
The classes will cover a variety of topics. Instructors will be local teaching artists. If response is
good, we will plan to expand offerings to workshops.
The first class is on 2/22/25, 1:30-4:30 pm. The topic is “Perspective” and will be taught by
Liana Bennett, owner of Arts Umbrella. She has been teaching art for over 30 years.
To find out more and register, click here.

Our mailing address is:

PO Box 50712
Bellevue, WA 98015


Thank you to 4Culture and the City of Bellevue for your continuing support.

City of Bellevue