EAFA Members Juried Show 2023

Mark Jeffries, "Nature’s Medley" Cast urethane with LED lights, 12x12x12, $2000

Mark Jeffries, “Nature’s Medley”

The January 2023 EAFA Juried Members show was held at the Mercer Island Community Center.

Adrienne Anderson-Smith, "Market Trails" Acrylic on canvas, 60x30, $1350

Adrienne Anderson-Smith, “Market Trails”

Many thanks to the City of Mercer Island and the Mercer Island Visual Arts League for the opportunity to present this exhibit, and to Mark Jeffries for jurying the show and Adrienne Anderson Smith for coordinating the effort.

And, Congratulations to the artists who received awards for their work! To see who they are, along with title of the piece and comments of the show’s Juror, Mark Jeffries, click Award Winners.


The gallery below shows thumbnails of artworks in the exhibit.

  • Using a keyboard? Hover over each thumbnail to see the artist’s name, title of the artwork, and other information. Then, click to see the full image.
  • Using a touch screen? Touch the thumbnail once to see the relevant information and then again to see the full image.

Scroll through the full images by clicking the arrows on the screen or the arrow keys on your keyboard.

If the artist’s name, the title of the piece, and the related info don’t appear at the bottom of a full image, you can click the image to bring them up.