Linda Harris, “Blue Butterflies”
Welcome to the EAFA Members Exhibition 2020!
We’re pleased to present this online version of our juried members’ show. The show is now hanging at University House, and awards have been made. (See Awards, below.) We are not yet able to view the exhibit, and no reception will be held.
EAFA extends its appreciation to our juror, Anna Macrae for the challenging task of selecting pieces for this exhibition. Her experience and knowledge of a variety of media and styles are evident in this exceptional exhibit.
Thank you to everyone who entered, and congratulations to everyone who was accepted! And many thanks to the following people who made this show possible: Jean Beuoy and Cheryl Hoople for being chair and co-chair of the show ~ Sheila Dufford who worked many hours with Cafe, to get the show together ~ Jeannie Boag for putting the show on our website ~ And, last but not least, University House for giving us a wonderful venue to hang our show.
The following artists are represented in the exhibition:
Elissa Adelson, Brandy Agun, Roger Baker, Gail Baker, Kathy Barker, Tabitha Brown, Davidmark Burton, Lisa DeBaets, Nicole Edens, Gayle Erxleben, Gary Gillespie, Terri Gordon, Ellen Grove, Linda Harris, Dianne Hofbeck, Martha Hurst, Irena Jablonski, Kate Johnston, Hyosoon Jung, Kiraya Kestin, Lewis LaBrashé, Donna Lee, Andrea Lewicki, Jingjing Ma, Julie Marcelia, Gill Mckinstry, Dan Riley, Dorota Maja Sereda, Joanne Shellan, Mami Shimomura, Jerry B. Steffen Jr, Kathleen Woodward, and Eve Worrell.
Congratulations to the following artists whose work was chosen by our juror, Anna Macrae for special recognition:
First Place: $300 to Dorothy Maja Sereda for Marymoor Heronry
Second Place: $200 to Kiraya Kestin for Two Lions of the Sea
Third Place: $100 to Linda Harris for Spider Webs II
Fourth Place: $100 Daniel Smith gift certificate to Ellen Grove for Big Sky
Honorable Mention Awards of $25 for Artist Supply: Jingjing Ma for The Age of Innocence,
Joanne Shellan for Tangerine Shade, and Hyosoon Jung for Seattle Story 20. Just for Us.
Holbein Watercolor Set: Eve Worrell for Dragonfly
Anna Macrae, the curator at University House, has just announced the Residents Choice Awards. Congratulations to the following artists, whose paintings were selected for awards by the residents of Univesity House!
First Place: Dan Riley, for Go Tell It On The Mountain
Second Place: Hyosoon Jung for Seattle Story 20. Just For Us
Third Place: Julie Marcelia for Blue Vase With Apples
Anna Macrae
It was a delightful opportunity to work with EAFA members to jury this exhibition. The level of professionalism and talent was very high, and also the variety of subject matter and medium. As a curator of art exhibitions for Era Living retirement communities, I enjoy working with an established arts organization, as I know artists have reached a certain level of accomplishment and are serious about their craft. This, in turn, allows me to feel confident in presenting a strong exhibition. I look forward to seeing your work in person. I never fail to be impressed viewing the work firsthand, and I know I will have a difficult job selecting the award recipients.
As we navigate this strange time, being an artist has its own set of uncertainties. Exhibiting artwork in the future seems a far-away dream right now. I am grateful that Era Living is committed to continue with its arts exhibition program, and we are working on finding new ways to promote and honor the artists as we move forward.
The gallery below shows thumbnails of artworks in the exhibit, not full images of the actual pieces.
- Using a keyboard? Hover over each thumbnail to see the artist’s name and the title, then click to see the full image.
- Using a touch screen? Touch the thumbnail once to see the relevant information and then again to see the full image.
You can scroll through the full images by clicking the arrows on the screen or the arrow keys on your keyboard.
Contact Deanna Morgan at (206) 940-9405. A 15% commission will go to EAFA on all sales.